I'm not sure whats going on with the networking, I had this working recently and now its stopped. I've reloaded the latest hydrosys image on my pi4, so starting from scratch, and I've changed the default IP address to match my LAN range.
The only way I can connect to hydrosys now is by connecting my wifi to the hydrosys AP. If I'm only connected to my LAN then I can't even ping hydrosys, even though I'm on the same range. Wifi is currently set to enabled so the wifi stays on. In the install documentation it says that if wifi is set to disabled then the AP will stay on for 3 minutes, turn off and I can then connect via ethernet, but this doesn't appear to be the case.
What I would ideally like to do is connect via the pi4 ethernet, not wifi. I added the ssh file to the boot partition and SSH is enabled, and using putty I can get a login response from the pi4 via SSH (as long as my wifi is connected to hydrosys) but I cannot login. I've tried the default username/password as pi/raspberry but it won't log me in.
If I can setup the ethernet I'll just ignore the strange wifi behaviour, but I need to be able to login via SSH to do this. Is there a different default username/password I can try?
For the SSH login I answered to the other post you wrote.
The system Ethernet connection is always enabled, even when you are using the WiFi. The point is that there are two different IP addresses for the Ethernet and the WIFI. The IP address that you can set on the hydrosys interface is relevant only to the WiFI, In case of Ethernet connection you should find it. Assuming that you are connecting the respberry through Ethernet using a home router, it will use the DHCP protocol to assign the IP address to the raspberry and the IP address should be visible in some of the router pages. One you get the IP, you should be able to reach the hydrosys using the web browser and the usual string + port (http://<IP address>:<port>).
In case you have both connections in place WiFi and Ethernet, you can access hydrosys using the WiFI, go to the network page and check the IP addresses, one of them should be the ethernet IP address.
Please consider that the IP address provided by the DHCP may change when the ethernet connection is reset, so it is advised to se the router to assign a static IP address based on the MAC (IP address should be different from WiFI IP address).
Clearly if you only want to use only Ethernet, you can disable the WiFi, I see you already found the setting.