I have a subteranian water tank that fills up with rain water collected from the roof.
At this moment when there is heavy rain the water tank overflows and it turns in a heaven for musquito's within hours.
I was wondering if i could install a simple floater (NC or NO) that can send me a message when this happens.
Like an alert or eventually even activates a solenoid for the water to release and go to the garden.
If this is possible, what will be the hardware setting that i need to use for this sensor/switch?
its working! Thanks !
Hi Ulysses,
Sure, the old good NC type :).
If I remember well there is only one parameter to change in the configuration, (but is not the calibration, so set it back to empty) try to change the Activation mode field to "second edge".
Let me know if it works.
Hi Angelo, thanks for the instructions! super clear. Only in notice that i have a float sensor that is NC, now i seem to get notified when the tank is empty.. not full. I have tried to reverse the direction in the sensor calibration but that doesnt work. Where could i change this that its inverted?
Here the configuration:
First of all, we need to create an interrupt object to associate with the PIN of the raspberry. Let's assume that the PIN is the GPIO14. We want an interrupt to be generated every time the GPIO14 is connected to ground.
Go to "hardwaresetting" page, "edit" the table, in the add row, add the following:
(some fields that are not relevant are hidden)
After the row is added do not forget to click "confirm and Save button".
Now you can go to the "interrupt" page.
Action 1) Send email:
The mail should be already set in the system, in the interrupt page you will find the tab "mail1". Click on it and use the below config:
Action 2) Activate Relay until level is ON:
Here we can set the interrupt in the way that when the interrupt arrive (level ON) the relay is activated for a number of minutes, then it deactivate even if the level is still ON. Do you think this fit your case?
Thanks Angelo. looking forward
HI There,
It is possible to configure the following behavior:
1) When the switch is ON, the system will send an email with alert (if you have set the email)
2) When the switch id ON, the system will activate a relay
Both can be set together. To do so, you will require to set the Interrupt setting.
I'll try the configuration and let you know,
Regarding the Valve activation, I suppose it can be also achieved by putting the level switch in parallel with the relay without using the system, it would be the easiest implementation :).