I've been researching and implementing, and watching videos - making due without the use of your HATs for various reasons - however I've ran into a hiccup.
I created my own resistive sensor using 2 rods and some wire - however I don't know where to attach these rods into the GPIO pin layout to match hygrometer1? In your video, you attach it to a HAT, and that HAT circut board reads GPIO25, and GPIO7, which translate to Pins No 22 and 26 on the Raspberry pi, but I've yet to successfully get a read.
For hardware profile I select the HAT v8, as that's what you're using, but I noticed the hygrometer1 sensor isn't listed in the row. So I thought I would modify the humidity sensor pins to reflect GPIO25 and GPIO7 (pin 22 and 26), and then change the measurement from % to Volts, but that didn't work either.
I'm basically implementing an automated watering system without using a HAT and I need to know; 1) Which pins should I connect my resistive sensor circut to on the GPIO?
2) Furthermore, looking toward the future, how can I add my own row, and specify my own pins. I thought modifying the "humidity sensor" row to pin1 (22) pin2 (26), would force it to read through those pins, but I didn't get any reading.
I appreciate the help.
20Years in IT, programming, etc. with specializing in digital forensics and red team hacking - so feel free to pour on the technical details. :)
EDIT: I realize now that you only need 1 pin, and the other should go to ground. So I'm using GPIO25 (pin 22) for one probe, and the GRND (pin 20) for the other probe of my sensor. Still no bueno. :(
Hi There,
It is not possible to connect the rods directly to the raspberry. A dedicated circuitry is required. You may have a look at my website "hardware" page to see the components and connections.