first of, thanks for a brilliant piece of software!
I've been having big problems with connecting the Pi to my home network, since Hydrosys can't find any networks as long as I'm connected to the Hydrosys4 access point. I tried connecting with cable to the Pi and still have the wifi card inserted, then it found my home network and could connect. But after a reboot, the AP showed up again and it wasn't connected to my lan anymore.
I (ugly)fixed this by doing an advanced install so that I later could log in and remove the dns and host services, as well as removing any other startup settings pertaining to the access point (and enabled ssh and wifi connection with wpa_suppleant).
Now it works, but it still tries to start and restart dnsmasq and hostapd.
Tried following this tutorial, but didn't work.
Maybe there is a more elegant way to achieve this?
(I'm also having trouble with testing the relay, it initializes but it won't respond to tests in settings. Might be a topic for a different part of the forum though.)
Solved the relay problem, had to run it at 3.3V instead of 5V, as discribed in the forum (no octocupler and pos instead of neg)
Best regards
I had the issue with the wifi. There is a network settings that has Hydrosys4 make its own wifi every time it boots than connect to the saved wifi. You can turn that off in settings.