Hai guys,
I am sorry but I am vert poor in electronics and PI in general. Anyway I managed to set the hydrosys4 with the WIFI and the home network but I would like to use the Ethernet gate of the PI.
I followed the instructions reported on the web site but If I disable the WIFi from advanced setting It can't connect anymore.
What Is the exact procedure?
Thanks a loro in Advance.
The Ethernet connection does not require particular settings (you can optionally disable the Wifi), but you should be aware of the IP address assigned to the PI from your router.
If you access your home router you should be able to see the raspberry PI IP address and use it in the web-browser to access the system.
In your home router setting I suggest to make a static IP assignment between the Raspberry MAC address and the IP so that the IP will be kept the same.
Let me know,