I have a I2C adress problem with my two I2C devices. When I use only my BH1750 light sensor the system working fine. I can read the light value and I can see the I2C adress of the light sensor. But when I add the BME/BMP 280 pressure sensor the value read for the two sensors is now 0 and when I look the I2C adress the screen look like this:
I think I have a I2C adress conflict.... if my understanding is good how can I change the I2C adress of my one or two I2C device ?
Hello Angelo, It’s a win !!!! I just receveid a few minutes ago my first order for the BMP 280. I put the new sensor in my Arduino I2C scanner and read 0x76 adress. Yes. I carefully connect (in paranoiac mode) the sensor on the hat board and I read only one I2C device (0x76) in the i2C adress list. After that I go to setting and now I can read the value of the sensor. Wonderful. You are write the I2C adress was wipe out of the sensor. I will made the same test with the BH1750 but I’am pretty shure I will have the same result. I let you know. Thank you very much for support Pierre