The Pause between watering (minutes) is set to 480. So it should water, if the sensor reading stays below threshold, every 8 hours. But it waters every 60 Minutes.
My God, why do you have to use such language. I'm astonished about your lack of respect for the implementation I made, there are reasons behind such design.
In this forum I've found very useful comments, sometimes we discovered bugs and implemented new features, but cannot accept such lack of respect and selfishness.
Just think that you are using this SW for free...
and the point 3 is not correct. There is a parameter to set the number of samples which are used to make the average which will be compared with the thresholds.
My God, why do you have to use such language. I'm astonished about your lack of respect for the implementation I made, there are reasons behind such design.
In this forum I've found very useful comments, sometimes we discovered bugs and implemented new features, but cannot accept such lack of respect and selfishness.
Just think that you are using this SW for free...
and the point 3 is not correct. There is a parameter to set the number of samples which are used to make the average which will be compared with the thresholds.
For the other points I don't have time to waste.