ok I confused … I followed the instructions to set things up... I set to emegercny mode and I tried full auto but the relays don't come on
I just got myself 4 relays to test the program and I got the raspberry pi just after xmas… so I wanted to use this program.... but cant seem to get it to work.. what works is the Settings and to test the relays with the start button that works... but not sure what I doing wrong or what I need to change.. all I have right now is raspberry pi 4 and 4 relay module
it doesn't come on when I set the P1 P2... and set like right time and say 5 min 30 seconds...
and I have tried 1 multiple and clicked it 5 times I guess and save nothing happens
I suggest to have a look at this post:
Things to check:
1) Clock Time and date (setting page)
2) Month should have at least one water drop (wateringplan page)
2) The schema (for example P1) should have at least one activation in the day you want to test.