I have just finished updating to version 1.0 (2019-06-05).
Allowing setting plans via minutes:seconds is great and the time selection is very convenient - thanks a lot for your ongoing commitment, time and effort!
I have updated github with one issue (use of underscore) but I now realize I have another weird issue:
The WateringPlan of solenoid #1 is being ignored. I can test it in Settings and it operates correctly, but the automatic plan doesn't work.
It's connected to GPIO5 and called Grass, the first cycle everyday at 4:00.
I added a second test cycle today at 12:40 to test the schedule and it didn't actuate the solenoid either.
This also happened with the previous version I used.
Please let me know if you need further information or a log file to recommend a solution.
Grazie mille,
Yes, should be on the Google drive folder by now. Buona giornata!