Hi all, I am planning my irrigation system with Hydrosys and I would like to make it as efficient as possible. I want to collect rain water to then use it to irrigate my meadow and plants/bushes.
The idea is to use a water tank to be positioned underground, something like this:
Below the simple scheme I have in my mind:
Let's say I want to water my bushes and plants, in this situation the power of the pump should be just enough to guarantee a drip irrigation along the lines 1 & 2 in the scheme (for sprinkler watering the power should be calculated according to the meadow's size). Pump could be either external to the tank or a submersible one. In case of the submersible option, valve no.1 should be moved after the pump outside the tank.
1) Planned irrigation starts
2) Hydrosys, by using the ultrasonic sensor, detects the level of water in the tank. Now you can have 3 different scenarios:
3) If the water in the tank is above a set minimum level, it opens valve no.1 and switches on the pump. It opens also the valves for line 1 and 2, plants and bushes get watered and are happy
3a) If water goes below a minimum level, the ultrasonic sensor detects it, Hydrosys stops pumps and closes valve 1. At the same time it switches the water supply to aqueduct, by opening valve no.3, irrigation continues until the end
3b) If water is already below the minimum level, the ultrasonic sensor detects it and Hydrosys switches the water supply to aqueduct, by opening valve no.3, irrigation continues until the end
4) End of irrigation, closing of all valves / switching off the pump (if case of scenario in point no.3)
can an ultrasonic sensor be added to the system? In my situation i would need a sensor to tell me how much water is inside the tank, as it's positioned underground
can the water supply be switched from tank to aqueduct according to the different levels of water inside the tank?
Is there anything right in what I have been describing so far? :)
All suggestions and feedbacks are welcome :)
Hi Umbe,
I have a very similar setup in place already - it is not ideal but working quite ok.
I am using basically two input water lines, one is the normal fresh water line, the other one is from the rain tank.
The rain tank has a underwater pump like this one - https://benz24.de/graf-tauch-und-saugpumpe-autom.html?utm_campaign=google-shopping&utm_medium=shopping&utm_source=google&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_8Hs_5-J6gIVOYBQBh3EAw0ZEAQYASABEgLsHPD_BwE
It always has power and simply delivers water, when it is needed (when you open the valve). If the valve is closed, or there is no water inside the rain tank, the pump will shutdown itself.
This makes it relatively easy to grab the water from the rain tank - all I need to do is having a magnetiv valve, controlled by HydroSys which I open, when I want to get the water and additionally I open the valvle of the watering line I want to start with. Using the "powerpin" functionality, Hydrosys can be configured to trigger two relays at the same time (one for the rain tank valve, the other for the watering valve).