What settings do you use when connecting these type of sensors directly to the pi's GPIO Pins ?
I can't seem to get it to read the sensor directly from the GPIO Pins directly.. I guess it would be easier with the hat but I'm wanting to have a Pi 3 as the main hub and this will monitor solar and pull data from various pi zeros which will read the soil moisture, water via a relay and take pictures using a pi zero camera - these will be on each raised bed and the pi 3 will be connect to the internet to send email notifications and hopefully if I can source a wifi router which takes a SIM card to forward the port for complete remote access as this is all going in on the allotment.
I also liked the one wire implementation at the beginning, but there are two roadblocks that made me change my mind about it.
1) The OneWire is not an open protocol, still not clear if still belong to the one corporation that invented it (for the master side). This has a consequence especially for open source SW.
2) The addressing system requires unique address among all the devices being produced.