I got the hat board, relay board and two sensors. The relays works. But the sensor.. don't know what I'm missing. I connected it to AN0, and I assume the ground is green/yellow. Also tried it on GPIO21.
After a while I noticed you can load different presets in HardwareSetting, so I put chose Automationhat 10 (also tried automationhat 10+hygro). After that, I went to Settings and pressed read on AN0. Voltage shows 00.00-00.02v. What am I missing?
Hi, the "volt" indication was not correct, I removed it in latest version. You can use % as after calibration you should get the minimum to zero and maximum to 100. The threshold selection depends on many factors, what I normally do is to set the threshold around 70% then I adjust it according to the observation of the plant.