I'm running a few high power LEDs that generate some heat which over time will become too warm (even the heatsink). I've mounted a BME280 and AM2302 to get temperature readings close enough the heatsink.
Is it possible, with automation to activate a relay to start two fans to run if temperature is over 40deg C (the reading from the sensor) and disable it when it cooled the heatsinks to < 30 deg C?
If not, how can I activate the relay if its over 40 degrees and run it for 30 minutes and evaluate the reading again over time?
I'm running this with the irrigation hat I got from tindie as info.
Thanks for a really cool project!
it is possible to use the automation function for your purpose.
The function will read the sensor every N minutes, depending on your setup and evaluate an action according to the automation setting.
First suggestion is to reduce the sensor reading interval to 1 minute.
You can go to the hardwaresetting page, click edit table, select the sensor and in the "time" field put the string 00:01:00. Then click "confirm and save".
The automation page has quite many settings, it's a bit complicate but it's quite flexible.
With above setting sensor setting, the system will now evaluate the action every 1 minute.
As in below example, If the temperature is above 40, it activates the relay for X minutes (600sec = 10 min), then every minute it will check the temperature, if it is above 40 will again activate for 10 minutes, but as the relay was already activated, it will just extend the activation of 1 min.
In case you want the system to activate for 10 minutes and then wait for M minutes before activating again you can set the "pause between activation" field.
Here an example of the configuration: