I am trying to install Hydrosys4 on a virtual machine using debian OS, i modified the installation file to skip over GPIO, I2c, dns, wifi, etc.. . The installation is successful but when I access the website it gives me an error 502 Bad Gateway.
I know it is not the intent to install on a non-raspberrypi but the fact i use mqtt to get the reading from my sensor, I am trying to use a VM to get a more stable environment.
I verify the logs and it is denying access at the localhost level. Any recommendation on how to accomplish this without major rewrites? If not then I will give up this option on a VM.
I think I may have figured it out, the rtc.local command is deprecated with Debian 11 hence will need to use systemd to start the hydrosys4 service. I will work on it this week and let you know if it works.
Update - although i got as far as starting hydrosys, it crashes due to not have GPIOs and I2C. I would have to rewrite the python files but decided not to do this at this time, perhaps later in the year when I have some time.