Hi everybody, i read a lot of posts on this forum but I really didn't find something (different from MQTT topics) regarding asking data from hydrosys. In my little project i would install a remote ESP32 with a very nice and small e-paper screen, where i can easily read few parameters: i.e "health" of hydrosys4 system (up and running), the humidity of the soil, how much weatherAPI will influence next irrigation cycle, and maybe the temperature max of tomorrow (via weatherAPI directly). Basically you can imagine all other values or parameter you want. The ESP32 will stay in deep-sleep for an hour and then awake itself and (in my mind) make a call to hydrosys.
Implementing maybe a token for safety, and obviously only for reading! I just made a mockup of what I'm talking about, with some fake data, just to help my poor english!
Thanks to everyone that will add some discussion about this topic :)
Hi everybody, just an update about my hydrosys4 project: I'm really waiting for springtime to see it in action, but now in winter I just improve my control box that I keep inside home; here some explanation:
1) Touch "button" to change info screen (Recap, Hydrosys, Power, Forecast)
2) RGB status led
3) Hydrosys4 data - taken from Raspberry
4) Energy used / generated
Forecast data are taken from weatherapi.com, while hydrosys4 data are first pulled to a web server and then "served" as BMP image to the ESP32 that drive this e-paper screen
Energy generated is from my solar inverter, while I'm waiting for a PZEM004-T in order to measure energy used.
This project is integrated by a web interface that collect in a database both data from hydrosys, inverter and forecast.
My goal is to have also the amount of water used to irragate the grass, It will be done simply counting secs per day of every actuator.
1) PCB board https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B07CQQK214/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
2) touch sensors - I used a paperclip
3) RGB led
4) ESP32 https://www.reichelt.com/it/it/led-rgb-5-mm-cablato-4-pin-rt-gn-bl-8000-mcd-25--led-ll-5-8000rgb-p156358.html?PROVID=2814&gclid=Cj0KCQiA_JWOBhDRARIsANymNOYgnA_IMdMasJAhsI-4HuEahXhLb-FF4VaRJvi2eLqMmJsJMX6-SXkaAimQEALw_wcBhttps://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B071P98VTG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
5) Waveshare e-paper https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/B0751J99PS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1