Lately I've got several questions about how to update the SW to the newest release, so I'm writing this post to provide info:
Right now there is no procedure for the SW update, it is needed to reinstall it again.
Anyway there is a way to retain the configuration, unfortunately it is not guaranteed to work 100% especially if you have a quite old version.
The procedure:
1) Go to "Settings" page, scroll down and click the "DownloadConfigFile", a link to a .zip file will appear. Click on the link with right button and "save the link as" in one folder of your PC.
2) Install the new version of the system. To verify that the release has been updated, you can check the version number in the about page.
3) Go to "Settings", scroll down on the "System Configuration Upload" section and click "choose file". Select the file you have previously saved and click "upload and apply". This will bring all the setting back (hopefully).
Note: The wifi setting are not kept, so after the procedure you have to configure it again.
Hope this might help.
Many thanks, i'll give that a go.
I've got a few MQTT questions, but i'll make a new post...