The Hydrosys4 is a hobbyist project made to provide a Smart irrigation systems and an environment automation controller to everyone who loves the DIY. I started this project as irrigation system for my balcony and terrace plants. The project then evolved to include quite many features among them the automatic controls based on sensors reading and the remote connections. Lately I added the require automation to run my mini-greenhouse, it effectively become a single control system for growers.
Unlike several other systems based on micro-controllers, the Hydrosys4 does not require any programming skills to be implemented, it is designed to be quite general purpose with a nice web interface.
The system in its basic configuration does not require any particular experience to be build, so you do not have to be an expert, If you like it, Just do it!.
This Forum will help you to solve any issue in case you find one :). You are welcome to post your issue, ideas, comments, clarifications.